
A web application framework for analysis and visualization of High throughput Sequencing metagenomic data.


Correia D, Doppelt-Azeroual O, Denis JB et al. MetaGenSense : A web application for analysis and visualization of high throughput sequencing metagenomic data [v1; ref status: approved with reservations 2, not approved 1, ] F1000Research 2015.




1. virtualenv

You may use virtualenv to isolate your django project workspace [virtualenv](, [virtualenvwrapper](

2. Download

You need the MetaGenSense project files in your workspace:

  • cd /path/to/your/workspace
  • git clone git://

3. Requirements installation

pip install -r requirements.txt

4. Set the settings:


MetaGenSense/ file is necessary for WSGI gateways (such as uWSGI) to run your Django application and is also required from Django itself. You definitely want to change {{ project_name }} value in this file to the name of your application (e.g. metagensense.settings).

b. SECRET_KEY setting

Create your own secret key. Open your MetaGenSense/, find SECRET_KEY line, paste your secret key. [SECRET_KEY](cf.

c. Paths setting

Set up this paths for you personal configuration/architecture .

Paths to access to Galaxy personal import directory form server:

- GALAXY_SERVER_URL = http://.... #url to your Galaxy server
- GALAXY_IMPORT_DIR = 'links'     #path to import data into Galaxy with import tool
- MGS_GALAXY_FOLDER = '/MGS' #absolute path to Galaxy library (directory inside links)

Path where to store downloaded files:

MGS_DOWNLOAD_FILE_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.sep,'opt','metagensense','limsfiles')

Folder to save analyse results on the server:

ANALYSE_FOLDER = 'analyse'

Folder use to export big data from Galaxy (>2Gb)’:

GALAXY_EXPORT_DIR = '/opt/MGS/outputs'

d. Initialize the database

First you must have an database engine instaledl on your machine, Set the database engine (PostgreSQL, MySQL, etc..) in your settings files; MetaGenSense/ at DATABASES [DATABASES](

Create django models with the command:

./ migrate

e. Test settings

Starts a lightweight development Web server on the local machine. By default, the server runs on port 8000 on the IP address You can pass in an IP address and port number explicitly.

./ runserver